Tuesday 17 May 2011

A wet start to winter.

April 2011 was another wet month for Victoria. The state recorded about 50% more rainfall than usual this month. Northwestern and western Victoria observed very much above average rainfall, with monthly totals between 50 and 100 mm, many stations doubling their usual April rainfall this month. The Dandenong Ranges recorded its fifth month in a row with rainfall totals in excess of 100 mm, the longest run of such wet conditions at this site on record. All of this rainfall has caused some positive, and negative ecological points to Sherbrooke. The positive aspects are obvious. Grass has never been greener, and the surrounding bushland is so lush and vibrant. The waterways have also been replenished, Menzies Creek and Yelingbo Creek have never been so full. With that said, the dark clouds have also brought some negative aspects along. The rain has cause a series of landslides in the area, the erosion of roadways is noticeable, with pot holes currently being filled in. These landslides have destroyed the embankment's of hills, with vegetation being destroyed. What used to be dusty roads, have turned into mud, and rutts along relatively suburban looking streets have formed. Wlaking paths have been eroded, making mobility around the Sherbrooke walking tracks difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Lots of water and wild Melbourne weather. The more it rains can't be that bad could it? I do understand that wild weather has damaged our current environment, but think of where that water went. Only spring or time will tell.

    Vaughan G
